Reasons to Donate


Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say Rejoice!

~Philippians 4:4



Reasons to Donate


How can I do that?

   * It’s actually quite simple to DIRECT your tax liability to Christian education!

   Just look at last year’s tax return to find out how much you owed and give that amount OR tax credit allowable for your marital status, whichever is less, to NACSSF, to distribute for scholarships; you’ll get it back in your refund.

    * Sound too good to be true?

   You can give money to enable students to attend Christian schools without paying anything out of your pocket, through The ArizonaTax Credit.

   * That’s right!

     It only takes a moment of your time to complete the process. In only a few minutes you can donate online and fill out the additional one page tax form.

  * You are still able to make a contribution for this year.

    The contribution deadline has changed. You currently have until April 15; that’s a total of 15 ½ months to contribute to NACSSF in a tax year! Don’t wait too long…students already enrolled in private schools are depending on timely contributions to enable them to stay in school.

   * You are making an impact in the life of a local child.

   Many students are at a private school because of the sacrifices their parents have made. Often times that isn’t enough; sometimes outside help is needed to keep children in a private school. What a difference it makes for a child to be enrolled in a quality private school that meets their specific needs.

   * You have the ability to aid our local students.

   Maybe you don’t personally know a student at a private school who needs help. Don’t worry there are plenty! Fill out the form and put “where needed” in the appropriate spot. NACSSF has a scholarship review committee that will make sure the money gets to a qualified student.

Have Questions?

3 + 7 =


PO Box 3923

Cottonwood, AZ 86326