School Application

Northern Arizona Christian School Scholarship Fund

PO Box 3923, Cottonwood AZ 86326  928-649-6030


School Year
Student Name Birth Date (mm/dd/yyyy)
Email Address
Street Address
City State Zip
Phone Number
Filing Status Married Filing Jointly     Single, Married Filing Separately, or Head of Household
I am Donating:
$ To the original tax credit (Up to $517 Single/Head of Household)
$ *To the Switcher tax credit (Up to $514 Single/Head of Household)
(*You can donate here only after you have donated $517 to the Original Credit)
$ To the original tax credit (Up to $1034 Married Filing Jointly)
$ **To the Switcher tax credit (Up to $1028 Married Filing Jointly)
(**You can donate here only after you have donated $1034 to the Original Credit)
$ Total Donation Amount (will be totaled automatically)
Recommended School or Student:
Donation Tax Year: 2013  2014
Have you already donated to another school tuition organization? Yes     No
Click Continue – you will then be brought to a new page – please click the Donate button and you will be able to pay for your donation. Thank you!


Northern Arizona Christian School Scholarship Fund

PO Box 3923, Cottonwood AZ 86326  928-649-6030